
Role of Education in Daily Life and Betterment of Society

The role of education in daily life as well as society is very important and leaves a great impact on the overall progress of society. Education is the only area which is equally important to each and every person of the society. It is not meant only schooling or getting degrees from colleges and universities. It may be formal, informal or nonformal. In its every form, it is equally important Introduction: Education has a prominent role in this modern era of the global world. In today’s world, it has become the most important factor in the development of society. It plays a key role in the betterment of society. The need of education is increasing day by day due to which it has become of utmost importance. Education is the ultimate pathway of success. It gives a great deal of support and encourages each and every individual.  The stunning fact is that education is given the highest place in today’s world. Basically, education is a process of continuous learning which shou

Why Education is Important?

Importance of Education Why Education is important Education is a foundation for the development and progress of any society. It is a base upon which the whole building of human development stands. Getting proper education is necessary for success in life just like the food is necessary for the healthy human body. The good education is constructive in nature which is very helpful in future life. To quote a phrase from Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz, “Make me the master of education, and I will undertake to change the world.” If we want to change the world, we have to focus on education and increase of knowledge. We must become the voice of the people by getting involved to make a difference in the world by putting into motion what we have learned. Following points highlights  why education is important to society. 1. Global impact of education Education can leave the long-lasting impact on global development. An educated person always works for the benefits of humanity.

Meaning & Nature of Education

Meaning of Education Education is very closely related to civilization and progress and has a huge impact on human life. Therefore, being an important factor in life activity education is also greatly influenced by philosophy. Different fields of philosophy i.e. social philosophy and economic philosophy and have great influence on the various aspects of education like educational procedures, planning, policies and its implementation, from both the theoretical and practical aspects. Etymologically, the word education is derived from  educare  (Latin) “bring up”, which is related to  educere “bring out”, “bring forth what is within”, “bring out potential” and  e ducere , “to lead”. Webster defines  education   as the process of educating or teaching.    Educate  is further defined as “to develop the knowledge, skill, or character of…” Thus, from aforesaid definitions, we may assume that the purpose of education is to develop the knowledge, skill and character of students. Def

Philosophy of Education

Philosophy of Education Philosophy of Education  is a mark connected to the investigation of the reason, procedure, nature and goals of education. Education can be characterized as the instructing and learning of explicit aptitudes, and the conferring of information, judgment and knowledge. Education is an essential component in regular survival and it is important to prepare learners to address the difficulty of the present and outfit them to adapt to what’s to come. Read also:  Types of Education Importance of Philosophy of Education to a Teacher It influences  on  the abilities, propensities, qualities, and frames of mind of any learner. It includes scholarly control, individualized guidance, innovativeness, inspiration, a valuation for the tasteful, thinking, self-imaging and stresses the most extreme use of  natural  potential for every single student. Education must be an activity-situated involvement in which the youngster can satisfy inborn potential. Learnin

What are the 3 types of education? Types of Education: Formal, Informal & Non-formal

What are the 3 types of education?  Types of Education: Formal, Informal & Non-formal Meaning & Types of Education: Education  is a gradual process which brings positive changes in the human life and behavior. We can also  define education  as “a process of acquiring knowledge through study or imparting the knowledge by way of instructions or some other practical procedure”. What is education? Education brings a natural and lasting change in an individual’s reasoning and ability to achieve the targeted goal. It facilitates us to investigate our own considerations and thoughts and makes it ready to express it in various shapes. Education is the main thing that encourages us to distinguish between right and wrong because in absence of education, we can’t do what we need or we can’t achieve our goal.  Straightforwardly, we can say,  “education is the passage to progress”.  It is additionally the way to our fate as achievements can only be accomplished when individua